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What is an electrical installation conditioning report (EICR)?

If you are not familiar with the electrical field, then you may find yourself wondering what is an electrical installation conditioning report (EICR)? In essence, an electrical installation conditioning report is an inspection report. In addition this inspection report is conducted periodically and evaluates a property’s safety relating to its fixed wiring. Furthermore a nickname for an EICR is often a ‘Homebuyer Test’ or a ‘Landlord Safety Test.’ So what is EICR?

The purpose of an electrical installation conditioning report is to ensure the safety of occupants in a residency or rental property. Thus by evaluating electrical installations in a residency or a rental property, you can prevent electrical fires and/or electrical shock. In essence it is an overall Electrical Testing

What is the purpose of an electrical installation conditioning report?

 The main purpose of an electrical installation conditioning report is the safety of your home and residents. However, there are also four specific aims of an EICR.

  • The first is to record the results of the inspection. This helps to make sure that your electrical installations are safe.
  • The second aim is to find any unsafe damage or wear and tear to your electrical installation. This will help a qualified electrician to resolve and repair any issues.
  • Thirdly is to find any components of the electrical installation that do not meet wiring regulations. This is especially important if you live in an older home or own older rental properties. A qualified electrician will help to upgrade your electrical installation so that it meets modern day codes and requirements.
  • The fourth aim is for a qualified electrician to see if there are any appliances or electrical components that could lead to electrical shock.

Once the electrical installation conditioning report is complete, your electrician will complete a report about the condition of the electrical installation at the time of the EICR. In addition this record can be used in future inspections.

Are there different types of electrical installation conditioning reports?

There are actually 2 different types of electrical installation conditions reports.

  1. Visual condition report. A visual condition report is usually only done for very recent electrical installations. This report does not include any testing on your system’s various electrical components.
  2. Periodic inspection report. A periodic inspection report is a full EICR. This is the safer option if you want your electrical installation to be inspected. This is a comprehensive report that will test all of the components of your electrical installation. This report will help find any dangers that may be hidden behind walls, and ensure the safety of your home and/or rental property. Then, your electrical installation can be upgraded to make sure it meets all safety requirements and laws.

 Can I conduct an electrical installation conditioning report by myself?

 We never advise conducting an electrical installation conditioning report if you have no professional electrical training. Electrical work can be dangerous and hazardous without the proper knowledge and training. Therefore you should always contact a professional, qualified electrician to conduct an EICR.

How often should an electrical installation conditioning report  (EICR) be conducted?

We generally recommend that an electrical installation conditioning report be conducted every 10 years for private homes and residencies. However, if you are a landlord who owns rental property, we recommend you have an EICR done every 5 years for those rental properties. In addition, you should also have an electrical installation conditioning report conducted when you have a change of tenants.

Do I really need an EICR?

 Yes, an EICR is critical to maintaining a safe home or rental property. Electricity itself is not visible, and conduits and cables are often hidden behind walls and ceilings. Therefore it is easy for you to forget to check your electrical installation, and you may not realize that something is in need of repair or is not safe. In addition, if you do not have any electrical knowledge or training, you may not know what signs of wear and tear you need to look for.

Electrical fires can be extremely dangerous. Old, damaged, or faulty electrical installations and wiring are often the cause behind these dangerous electrical fires.

When you have an electrical installation conditioning report conducted, a qualified electrician will be able to spot any potential areas of damage in your electrical installation. Furthermore a professional will also be able to properly repair any damaged areas or old wires. This will reduce any risks of electrical fires, and help to keep your home and rental properties, along with the people living there, safe.

What other signs are there that I need an EICR?

We always recommend that you have an EICR every 10 years for your home, 5 years for your rental property, and whenever a new tenant moves into a rental property. There are also some additional signs that you can look out for that may indicate that you need to have an electrical installation conditioning report conducted.

These signs include:

  • Brown (or black) switches
  • Old-fashioned round pin sockets and light switches
  • Braided flex hanging from ceiling fixtures
  • Fixed cables which are coated in black rubber
  • Fixed cables which are coated in lead or fabric

All of these features come from older, outdated electrical installations that usually predate the 1960s. Older electrical installations can be incredibly risky, and therefore you should have an electrical installation conditioning report conducted. Do not wait to contact a qualified, professional electrician.

Even if your electrical installation does not have any of these older systems, you still need to have an EICR done at least every 10 years. Wear and tear can happen even on newer electrical installations, and safety should always be your top priority.

What should I do if I think I need an EICR?

You should never conduct an EICR if you are not a qualified electrician. If your home or rental property requires an electrical installation conditioning report, then you should contact a professional, licensed, and qualified electrician.

Our professionals are happy to arrange an electrical installation conditioning report with our experienced electricians. We can inspect your electrical installation to ensure the safety of your home or rental property, and its residents.

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